Thursday, December 29, 2005
To those who will be having their a.maths retest tomorrow, i wish all of you the best of luck and hopefully you will continue taking this subject next year. It's not that hard, and i believe everyone can do it.. have faith in yourself! =)
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Skin Colour
hmmm.. i was chatting with jodi for a while when the topic about fair skin popped up.. jodi has always been having very fair skin.. even when she goes under the sun, she wont really get tanned.. hmm.. she'll only turn red.. like in obs.. she said that its not a skin disease or whatever, and she doesn't apply any whitening creams or whatever and its not genetic.. hmmm.. so what is it? anyways, i found two ppl with similar skin colour.. but of course its not natural liek jodi's.. lol.. but i think these two look alike.. lol.. see the resemblance?

i think there's something's missing..hmmm..

that should do it.. yeah!

i think there's something's missing..hmmm..

that should do it.. yeah!
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Friday, December 23, 2005
Memoirs of a Geisha

a movie that you must watch.. in theatres nationwide 23rd december.. Zhang Ziyi looks so hot underneath the japanese robes and thick make up.. oh well, i think this is the first book that i managed to get hooked onto.. gotta watch the movie.. anyone wanna watch it with me? lol.. anyways, i think i'm a huge fan of the movie poster above.. i think i'm in looovee with it.. some people say it's scary.. looks like some pontianak.. wth.. let's just watch the movie.. =)
Thursday, December 22, 2005
America's Next Top Model
So, the show aired on channel 5 yesterday.. I still think manhunt is much better compared to this show; lesser bitchiness.. yeah lesser.. anyway, i think that some of the contestants in this season are shockingly disgusting.. How can they even qualify in the first place? But some of them are hot.. while some are not.. Let me give you some examples..

even tyra banks doesn't look pretty.. she only does when covered in make-up.. So yeah, i'm rooting for either of the two to win this competition.. Kyle or Ebony.. Do leave your comments for the last model.. lol..

even tyra banks doesn't look pretty.. she only does when covered in make-up.. So yeah, i'm rooting for either of the two to win this competition.. Kyle or Ebony.. Do leave your comments for the last model.. lol..
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Sentosa! =)
So, had a class outing today with the 204-kings.. wasn't exactly a class outing.. cos not a lot of ppl turned up.. only 3 girls did, and the rest were guys.. spent half of the day with dao min, hui qian and rashal roller blading.. cos the rest of the guys were still on their way to palawan beach.. walking.. sheer stupidity.. lol.. oh well, only me and hq roller bladed, the other two were riding bicycles.. That was my second time, blading, and guess what? i only fell once! what an achievement.. i fell also because there was a stupid drain.. the other half of the day was much more fun.. after it stopped raining.. the girls left for home and the guys, played captain's ball with a frisbee! woo! then buried dexter and jin zhe.. lol.. i shall just post up the pictures for you to see.. and this time, it will be like kim wakerman's style!! woo! =)

Saturday, December 17, 2005
Guitar Maniac
i didn't know isa could play the guitar so well.. have a look.. lol.. he's bringing down the house!
Friday, December 16, 2005
So I've been tagged by my sister! Hate this kind of crap.. Still gonna play this game since i've not been blogging for a while.. So here it goes..
Rules of the game:
1. Post 5 weird/random stuff abt yourself
2. At the end, list the names of 5 ppl who you want next to this and leave a comment "YOU ARE TAGGED" in their blogs and tell them to read your blog for rules! So here's 5 really, really weird/random stuffs:
1. I love to peel off the dead skin behind my left ear.. After peeling it, I'll admire the skin for a few seconds and flick it off somewhere, or anywhere.. The feeling is the same when you dig your nostrils..
2. Somehow, I can suck my stomach in to make me look like a prisoner of war.. If i'm not wrong, my brother can do it too.. But none of my friends can.. hmmm.. i wonder why..
3. I don't understand why people still say that i mumble even when I've tried to pronounce all the words properly.. It's the most irritating thing.. Despite that, i do not fail my oral examinations or get below average marks.. So wth..
4. I didn't brush my teeth or shampoo my hair sometime in primary school.. I think i stopped the bad habit since primary 5.. I would only shampoo my hair once a month and brush my teeth once every few days.. lol.. But it wasn't so bad.. I didn't stink.. I would always scrape off the whitish stuff from the teeth using my nails.. Then, one day, i found out one of my friends did the same thing! So, it continued for awhile.. Even the dentists told me i had healthy teeth, only a little problem of bad breath.. lol..
5. I have a phobia of worms.. all the different kinds of worms.. oh well, at least a lot of ppl has that phobia.. I don't think i would make it if i were to participate in fear factor..
Alright.. so now I'm gonna tag..
Fajrina - Jodi - Nadrah - Gavin - Joan! =)
Rules of the game:
1. Post 5 weird/random stuff abt yourself
2. At the end, list the names of 5 ppl who you want next to this and leave a comment "YOU ARE TAGGED" in their blogs and tell them to read your blog for rules! So here's 5 really, really weird/random stuffs:
1. I love to peel off the dead skin behind my left ear.. After peeling it, I'll admire the skin for a few seconds and flick it off somewhere, or anywhere.. The feeling is the same when you dig your nostrils..
2. Somehow, I can suck my stomach in to make me look like a prisoner of war.. If i'm not wrong, my brother can do it too.. But none of my friends can.. hmmm.. i wonder why..
3. I don't understand why people still say that i mumble even when I've tried to pronounce all the words properly.. It's the most irritating thing.. Despite that, i do not fail my oral examinations or get below average marks.. So wth..
4. I didn't brush my teeth or shampoo my hair sometime in primary school.. I think i stopped the bad habit since primary 5.. I would only shampoo my hair once a month and brush my teeth once every few days.. lol.. But it wasn't so bad.. I didn't stink.. I would always scrape off the whitish stuff from the teeth using my nails.. Then, one day, i found out one of my friends did the same thing! So, it continued for awhile.. Even the dentists told me i had healthy teeth, only a little problem of bad breath.. lol..
5. I have a phobia of worms.. all the different kinds of worms.. oh well, at least a lot of ppl has that phobia.. I don't think i would make it if i were to participate in fear factor..
Alright.. so now I'm gonna tag..
Fajrina - Jodi - Nadrah - Gavin - Joan! =)
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Fell while balancing on a knife's edge: Man Utd is out
After a gut-wrenching match against old rivals, Benfica, Man Utd's hopes and dreams of winning the Champion's League title was shattered. Although Man Utd started off great with a goal from Scholes, Benfica replied with a diving header from Geovanni and a thunderous shot from Beto which was deflected off Alan Smith ang giving Benfica the lead. At the Stadium of Light, Man Utd gave a half-hearted performance which led to the fans' disappoinment. Man Utd's defeat was felt much harsher when Villareal won against Lille, which meant that Man Utd only needed a draw to qualify. Despite maintaining possession throughout the whole 90 minutes, Man Utd wasn't able to execute crosses and throughballs as the Benfica line of defence was strong, intersecting every pass. Maybe Man Utd needed a new ray of talent or a new manager. Man Utd's performance has not been impressive and win unconvincing with small goal margins. Man Utd should start realising the poor quality of performances and should do something about it. It is such a shame that Man Utd ended at the bottom of the group table after yesterday's match. It is official that Man Utd is out.

Man Utd squad.

Scholes scored, by fumbling the ball across the line. Not convincing.

The Benfica goalie showed off his armpits and disgusted G.Neville. You deserve it man.

Fuck off fergie!!
Despite all that, I'll still continue to be a Man Utd fan. But first, change the manager........
pictures courtesy of the Man Utd website

Man Utd squad.

Scholes scored, by fumbling the ball across the line. Not convincing.

The Benfica goalie showed off his armpits and disgusted G.Neville. You deserve it man.

Fuck off fergie!!
Despite all that, I'll still continue to be a Man Utd fan. But first, change the manager........
pictures courtesy of the Man Utd website
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
lol.. guess what? PETER CROUCH finally ended his seven-month goal drought.. Crouch claims that he scored two goals.. lol.. oh well.. the first one was actually credited to Mike Pollitt, the Wigan goalkeeper.. poor thing.. i wonder how it would be, if Crouch only scored only 1 goal, and it is actually an own goal by the keeper.. that would be funny.. anyway, his goals are always lobbed.. Crouch rocks!! i think crouch will be a goal scoring machine after this match.. although he receives full marks in ugly-o-meter, i believe this man will bring new hope to the england team in the world cup.. there is a champions league match tonight.. Liverpool VS Chelsea.. i want liverpool to win.. okay maybe not, just want crouch to score.. maybe a hat trick? you can do it!! my predictions are, liverpool 3-2 chelsea.. it will be one match that you should not miss.. even if you are not any of their supporters.. i'm not.. i'm a man utd fan.. who isn't? to wrap things up.. crouch, you make me proud.. and i want to buy this shirt!!

anybody who can find this shirt, pls contact me, or buy for me.. i'll pay you back.. medium size..

anybody who can find this shirt, pls contact me, or buy for me.. i'll pay you back.. medium size..
Friday, December 02, 2005
Hajjah Maimunah
oh wow! after all the days that we have been wanting to eat at hajjah maimunah, we finally set a date, and went there.. gosh.. after the friday prayers at masjid sultan, we met up with atikah, who was there earlier to book a table for us.. that place is so famous for its food that it will be fully packed during lunchtime.. so yeah.. the food was awesome.. so much better than school food.. duh.. all the lauk pauk looked very tempting.. only if we could put everything on one plate.. lol.. but the food we ate was already towering.. okay.. enough of talking and let me show you the mouth watering food..

that's mine.. although it was very pedas, the pedas has a unique taste to it that makes you beg for more.. lol..

i think that's atikah's one.. for a girl, that's a lot.. lol.. no wonder..

isa, the first to finish..

look at wandi's plate! so little.. i think he only ordered lemak ayam, and telur rebus or something.. and he gave his telur to me.. lol.. he couldn't finish his food either..

halim, me, and atikah

left with only the bones.. lol..

that's gigantic.. oh and dah sunat also.. lol..
looking forward to another feast at the same place.. or maybe elsewhere.. lol..

that's mine.. although it was very pedas, the pedas has a unique taste to it that makes you beg for more.. lol..

i think that's atikah's one.. for a girl, that's a lot.. lol.. no wonder..

isa, the first to finish..

look at wandi's plate! so little.. i think he only ordered lemak ayam, and telur rebus or something.. and he gave his telur to me.. lol.. he couldn't finish his food either..

halim, me, and atikah

left with only the bones.. lol..

that's gigantic.. oh and dah sunat also.. lol..
looking forward to another feast at the same place.. or maybe elsewhere.. lol..