Monday, October 31, 2005
Okay basically, almost everyone had their o level mother tongue papers today.. The paper wasn't that bad.. But i guess i made a few stupid mistakes.. But anyway, that is not the reason why i put that as the title.. It is probably because i got a wicked haircut!! Now, i'm living to regret it.. maybe for a few days only.. So anyway, went to same old place, asked for the same thing.. But when the auntie asked me whether it was okay, i sat there thinking...........hmmmm........ okay or not? since it's the hols, why not do something different? so i asked the auntie to cut a line on the right side of my head.. i was wondering whether my mom would scold me.. so i told her let me think abt it first.. she got her shaver ready, and i was in a dilemma.. haha.. so in the end, i told her to proceed but don't make it too obvious.. but in the end, it turned out to be very obvious! Aaaaahhh!! Now i'm wearing mascara on my head.. to hide it from my mom.. She will scream if she finds out.. It doesnt look ugly, but just weird.. cos i never had this kind of cut before.. Oh no! how am i going to go to school? i just remembered i got isp.. hopefully, the hair will grow soon enough..
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Student Leaders Conference 2
The school should hold more meetings for opinions and issues to be raised by students.. Seriously.. I really think that it is useful and will be beneficial to all of us.. Basically had my presentation.. Couldn't think of anything to say, so i BSed my way through.. Had a chance tp bowl during the break.. wasn't so bad.. overall, the whole day was motivating.. changed my perspective of the school.. oh well.. malay o level exams are approaching in less than 1 week's time.. i must get my notes!! must start hafal-ing peribahasa and must start memorizing essays!! Lol.. Below is just fathullah stoning away while the rest bowled..

Monday, October 24, 2005
sports channels
Woo!! i just found out today that my dad had subscribed to sports channels in the morning!! Now i can watch soccer matches and know the scorelines without reading the newspaper or asking from friends.. i don't see the point in having a all the other channels except for sports.. Seriously.. MTV keeps on playing all the nonsensical reality shows which totally doesn't educate the young ones in any way.. blame MTV for all the premarital sex, partying and whatever else.. that's right.. But that's not the point.. The point is, I can now watch every world cup match next year!! Cheers! I'm sorry to those who don't have scv.. You will be missing out on a lot of stuffs.. Give me your thoughts and views on MTV..
Student Leaders Conference
oh well, today is basically an exciting day for all the student leaders i guess.. the conference held at Hometeam NS (the old cdans) was actually very inspiring.. Especially the talk abt Roger Crawford, the disabled tennis player, given by Mrs Shirleen Ong.. Then, there were the two jokers.. William and Zul.. Very funny lah.. If you want to know about some of the jokes, ask any of the ppl who went for the conference.. ask about the cigar one.. haha.. k so anyway, we were supposed to come up with an event for next year, an organize it.. for the sports committee, we had to organize sports day.. oh well.. the brainstorming and discussion turned out okay.. i will be looking forward to next year, as there are news about the school opening a student leaders council open for all cca leaders and some others.. That will be great.. So anyway, during one of the breaks, the some of the chinese guys didn't eat, but went to laser quest instead.. haha.. so there were 7 of us.. Gavin, Ming Xian, and Teck Liang-one team.. Me, Fathullah, Azrul, and Hilmi-another team.. it was actually a racist grouping cos we couldn't be bothered abt it.. always the easiest way of grouping.. ahah.. I shall not mention who did best and who did worst.. Guess you all should have figured it out by now.. haha.. So blablabla.. Will be attending another day of this leadership conference again tomorrow.. presentation day.. btw, i heard that 2 ppl from my class are getting retained.. shall not say out their names cos it will be embarrassing for them.. oh well.. Just hope you can win the soccer tournament next year.. haha.. just kidding.. failure is just a stepping stone to success.. make sure you learn from it.. k, so long!
testing.. got a much simpler template.. i do not like fanciful ones as they are kind of too complicated.. i don't have any web designing skills, so might as well just use a default template.. anyway, what's the purpose of us using a blog? is it a publicity stunt? is it to attract attention because you are not popular in school? is it to post racist comments? is it to talk about current global issues that are among the major concerns right now? is it to insult others? is it to practise you language skills? or is it because you have nothing else better to do? what are your thoughts and views.. post your comments.. after i have added a tagboard.. :)