Jalan Raya (part 2)
so anyways, yesterday we went jalan raya with the same group of people.. wasn't as fun as the previous one.. stucked at one house for hours and had nowhere to go to next.. everybody wanted people to come to their houses at night.. most of the teachers were busy, when they said they were free yesterday.. it's okay.. dimaafkan.. lol.. the only teacher's house that we went to was cikgu inah's.. lol.. it was quite chaotic.. i'll post some pictures..

hisham karaoke-ing

and the girls listening in boredom

i didn't wear baju kurung.. i wore baju batik instead with bell bottom pants.. lol.. and leather shoes.. haha.. a lot of people said i just came back from batam or i am going to the disco.. lol.. i love my outfit..

me and atikah.. random photos..

the three best friends.. afizah, fajrina & shafiqah.. lol..

fathullah joined us later.. and look at his songkok! cool ah.. lol.. it's actually shaf's handbag.. filled with bulu all over.. i think i'm obsessed with it.. lol..

took this inside the train.. and atikah's head is missing.. lol.. so being such a kind gentleman, i shall draw you one.. lol..

hahahaha! selamat hari raya maaf zahir & batin!

hisham karaoke-ing

and the girls listening in boredom

i didn't wear baju kurung.. i wore baju batik instead with bell bottom pants.. lol.. and leather shoes.. haha.. a lot of people said i just came back from batam or i am going to the disco.. lol.. i love my outfit..

me and atikah.. random photos..

the three best friends.. afizah, fajrina & shafiqah.. lol..

fathullah joined us later.. and look at his songkok! cool ah.. lol.. it's actually shaf's handbag.. filled with bulu all over.. i think i'm obsessed with it.. lol..

took this inside the train.. and atikah's head is missing.. lol.. so being such a kind gentleman, i shall draw you one.. lol..

hahahaha! selamat hari raya maaf zahir & batin!
i love my drawing
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